Chiropractic Services

  • $115.00

    Please book an initial assessment if this is your first time meeting your chiropractor, Dr. Arielle Petropolis. An initial assessment typically includes a clinical history, examination, report of findings, diagnosis, and preliminary treatment. Some aspects may or may not be included depending on individual patient circumstances. Don’t forget to check your email for your welcome information & intake forms to complete after you’ve booked in for your assessment! 

    (60 mins)

  • $90.00

    This appointment is Dr. Petropolis’ standard subsequent chiropractic treatment as it allows for treatment of 1-2 areas of the body and provides a combination of therapeutic interventions such as soft tissue therapy, acupuncture, adjustments, and rehabilitation exercises. 

    (30 mins)

  • $100.00

    Please book an extended appointment if you have been recommended it by Dr. Petropolis for multiple complaints to be addressed in one visit (i.e. upper and lower body), as it allows sufficient time for proper assessment and a combination of therapeutic interventions. This appointment is primarily utilized for patients who get 2 or more areas of the body treated, as well as for chiropractic patients who are also receiving microcurrent during their treatment.

    (40 mins)

  • $75.00

    This shorter appointment is meant to be for less complex treatment needs, or for one specific area of the body. Please book this if you are further along in your plan of care as per Dr. Petropolis’ recommendations for “graduated” functional maintenance care, or if a concern arises that requires focused-treatment. 

    (20 mins)

  • $100.00

    This appointment is meant for you if it has been 6+ months since your last visit or if you have any complaints that you have not yet discussed with Dr. Petropolis. This allows us sufficient time to properly assess you prior to performing any treatment. 

    (40 mins)

  • Please contact us to schedule a 20-minute complimentary consultation with Dr. Petropolis. Offered in-person and via phone.